Decisions Are Emotional, Not Logical

“In Persuade with a Story! Henry DeVries does something brilliant. This simple, powerful book shows business leaders how to attract clients, audiences and followers by using effective storytelling. But that’s not the brilliant part – lots of us teach and write about the power of story. What Henry does that’s so special is to help you grow your business by focusing on the genre of your stories. By using Henry’s revelations about the Eight Great Stories we all want to hear over and over, you will greatly increase your influence – and your success.”
“Effective digital content is at best a hit and miss proposition. In this book, Lisa Apolinski and Henry DeVries have taken the benefits of their experience with leading companies and startups alike to provide concise, memorable, and frequently funny stories. I strongly recommend this book to marketing experts or company executives who just want to understand this fast-changing world of digital marketing.”
“As an author and national speaker myself, I’m always looking for ways to improve. His book and keynote are concise but spot-on with clear direction on how to enhance your storytelling ability whether you are a trainer, business executive, writer or sales person. Henry makes it fun and easy to apply his strategies and improve as a storyteller. He persuaded me.”